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22 Oct

Faces from my window

Faces from my window - PI - Ostuni

Dear Friends of Blog PI! Only now, after a long silence
I'm back with you to write these letters which I hope will help to
reflect the intimacy of your inner world.

Tale a few words not 'cause I miss them but because the images and delete
do not describe the pain of some scenarios around us (Paris / London / Barcelona / Tunisia / Algeria / Istanbul etc).
A tale of a few words from the small observatory and shelter where I chose to live: Ostuni - PI.

The place that we all seek, where we want to communicate with us anymore
themselves, live and listen to our inner voice, our desires,
our true nature and then interact with the world and the people who are around us.

After talking with a musician in one of my trips to Paris told me that all of us are a tool, we are like the strings of a Stradivari, that our soul vibrates like endless wave.

On the other hand we are made of energy, and we all have our symphony inside and we just have to wait for the right time to join it to the universe .........

Ma faccio a volte a meno di dire e di agire … anche a me come a tanti di voi, anche so di essere in un angolo del mondo, nei nostri rifugi non possiamo far a meno di piangere dentro di noi guardando i volti sconvolti,sfregiati,tumefatti. Tutto cio’ mi sconvolge e mi fa sentire male-da semplice osservatore dalla mia finestra – e mi invita a scrollarmi per ricordare a me stesso di non dimenticare o di allontanarmi .

A distance to be inert in the face of suffering and the crying of men who fight for freedom of thought and expression, the right to live in a better world; I see tears rolling down the cheeks trying to clear everything with a simple tear, perennial storms that only live in hope of a cosmic calm.

I wish all these people in various places around the world could have a shelter like mine, where they could live without having to lose his life for swear words by the company, from tyranny, from power.

People continue to die in today's day slavery ', harassment, violence, anger, racial discrimination, religious, sexual, in any parallel in the world to us often unimaginable and all the social strains.
Often that death is anonymous because the parallel 'Unknown to us, as are the suffering and pain of these invisible beings.
What have we become, sometimes do not recognize myself as a thinking being, I am a
only light being in a body and are just passing through and despite this awareness only sow war and despair.
We could use the sword of light and pierce with the knowledge, wisdom, love all beings of this world to break down the wars, to break down the boundaries but mostly to reduce the thirst for power.
I write these letters to all and for all people who undergo everything I have said it before and ask us to start with a radical change that only can begin within us. All men together can make a great soul!

I keep walking in the streets of my Ostuni to try to forget and take in all the beauty that the 'man formed in the times ... and through history, architecture, poetry, painting ... I can hardly believe that we are not able to build a better world for Our children .

A hug of light from the PI Trullo House - Ostuni - Love, Love and Love always

Pi – Soul


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